Western Recovery Conference
Western Recovery Conference --Dates to be determined
More than 450 attendees are expected for 70+ peer presenters. The 6th annual Western Recovery Conference is for people in recovery, MH consumers, clients and survivors, hosted by Peer Action 4 Change.
Call for Proposals: Convene a Self-help Support Group, Present a Workshop or Roundtable, etc. Submit the following in a Word document to info@peeraction4change.org.
1. Session Title, Presenters’ Name (s), Contact email, phone numbers—Required
2. Description of the session for the Program (up to 50 words) —Required
3. Length of Presentation either 60 or 75 minutes—Optional
4. Statement of being a person in recovery, or with mental health issues, or a survivor. This will not be published or used for any other purpose—Required
5. Up to 2 pages of other info—Optional
All presenters must register and pay for the conference
Read about the 2019 conference
Questions? (310) 305-8878 or info@peeraction4change.org

The mission of Peer Action 4 Change is to bring mental health consumers / clients / survivors together to make the world a better place for consumers / clients / survivors thru advocacy, training and organizing.
All people with mental health issues will be respected as full members of
society and have meaningful and productive lives.

(310) 305-8878
SHARE! Culver City
6666 Green Valley Circle
Culver City, CA 90230